7th Grade wasn’t as bad as they said. (My Experience)

Eshaal Ali
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3 min read1 day ago

I understand its everyone’s first time in life but not the first day on Earth- My 7th grade Science teacher

Thankfully, this was just said in a dream. But my teacher’s message, though delivered in an unconventional setting, actually held a lot of truth. 7th grade left me with a lot of fond memories, here are the many reasons I can say so:

Felt Platonic Love:

Laughed SO hard on the lamest things:

Maybe it was just our pathetic humor, but a flare of a friend’s nostrils would make one explode with laughter with spit flying out.

Coming home after school my cheekbones, jaw, and stomach and all facial muscles would ache and hurt so bad you wouldn’t even want to speak after that!

And the burst of laughter in a silent classroom put us all in trouble and annoyed the teachers.

Looking out for each other:

We had open puberty talks, everyone shared their own experiences and got a laugh out of it. This made us feel safe around each other and like the saying

Girls support girls

we looked out for each other during tough times.

Got gifted on my birthday(Never happened at school before):

A couple of weeks before my birthday I had been on about a book series-The Inheritance Games Series. And then my friends gifted me that series as a present. I felt heard.

Had Teen-Movie-Moments:

At a school event (not for it) my friends and I danced carefree in the rain, it was like a moment frozen in time, a perfect memory like something out of a movie.

On multiple birthdays we rubbed cake on each other’s faces and clothes whilst laughing. It was a fun mess to make.

Chocolate pastry with sprinkled cream on top of it.
Photo by Kristiana Pinne on Unsplash

Had my First Actual Hangouts:

After Mid-Terms I went to the mall with my girls which wasn’t our first hangout but it was probably the best.

It was an experience: being by ourselves, purchasing things, and sitting out in public without any supervisor around. At least for me it was, without my own parents.

We also took a deathly, spinning ride which was a nice opportunity to scream on top of your lungs without the actual need to. In my head I was picturing how a wrong swing would kill us all and we would appear in the news headlines.(~_~)

Breaking News: Four girls lost their lives due to faulty amusement ride.

A blur picture of a few children on a bright swinging-ride.
This image was taken by the author.

Traits I picked up:


Kids at school would talk about books, their plots, the characters, and the reading experience. Hearing all that I decided to pick a book!

Recommending, exchanging, and discussing books, delving into them- was how I bonded with books. Book discussions were the best. People on social media have expressed wanting to have friends to talk about books with. Well, there was more than one person at school.

My friends and I talked about the events of a book like politics and jokingly cosplayed the characters and their dialogues.


Events in 7th grade sparked my interest in journaling, too. The concept of writing down your thoughts and experiences seemed therapeutic and looking back at them in the future would be interesting, and I imagine it would give off main character vibes.

So, seventh grade wasn’t the social wasteland everyone on the internet warned about. Sure there were dramatic arguments in the middle of all the open communication and supportive friendships. But at the end of the day good times are the only moments that count.

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Eshaal Ali

A middle-schooler putting thoughts and interests to pen.