8 Books to Build Your Success Foundation

Cait Mack
Published in
2 min readApr 7, 2024


Iñaki del Olmo

When I was 25 I knew something had to change.

I was an unemployed, drunken bum living in my childhood bedroom.

I knew I needed to go on a success/wealth journey and I figured something out early on.

I needed a foundation for success.

A better mindset. Better habits. Better frameworks. I had to become a better me.

How the hell was I gonna do that?



Yes, books.

What I consider foundational books. Each of these should be read with notes taken. But even if you skipped the notes, by the end of these 8 books…you’d be a new you.

1. Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink

Everything starts with taking complete responsibility for your life.

That’s the core concept of this book.

You can’t grow into the best version of yourself, unless you take ownership of your life and its outcomes.

2. Atomic Habits by James Clear

Your entire life is built on your habits.

You don’t even realize it, but everything you do is a habit.



Cait Mack

I simplify everything so you can focus on crushing life FREE resources: caitmackcs.gumroad.com