8 Critical Signs A Man Is Toxic

According to Psychologists.



Photo by Alex Green from Pexels

In most cases, a toxic man will not start a relationship being toxic. He’ll start out being gentle, charismatic, and charming. But at some point, he’ll suddenly change.

This sudden change often keeps most women trapped, thinking the man they met at first is the real him. “Maybe he’s just having it rough for now,” they’ll think.

In most cases, the woman will try to dismiss the toxic behavior, hoping that it will subside at some point, and the sweet and charming man they met in the first place will resurface. But of course, this never happens.

The overt niceness of the man in the first few weeks or months of the relationship was simply a tactic to draw her in. Some women get the message early enough and get out of the relationship.

However, some hold on for too long, making them go through unnecessary emotional turmoil. Whether you’ve even been in a toxic relationship or not, here are the signs to look out for to know a man is toxic, according to psychologists.

1. Passive-Aggressive Jealousy

There’s nothing wrong with getting jealous. Jealousy is an emotional thing. It’s uncontrollable. This is why most people see it as a sign that their partner is emotionally attracted to…




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