8 Mistakes You Should Avoid Making While Charging Your Mobile Phone

Sameer Lohana
Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2020
Photo by Daniel Korpai on Unsplash

In today’s world, mobile phones are the most commonly used gadgets. From a child to an adult, everyone is carrying this device that has so many different features in it that they have become everything a person might need. They have become a part of us and we can’t imagine a day without having them in our hands.

They are indeed very useful and help us in so many ways. The only issue people face with it is its battery draining so quickly and the frequent need to charge the mobile phone.

With the exception of few, most smartphones with average daily usage have to be charged once a day for its proper functioning.

Nowadays we spend most of our time on our mobile phones from watching YouTube or Netflix, surfing on Facebook to attending various important meetings via Zoom calls. Everything is done on mobile these days.

With the increased usage of our mobile phones, its battery life span starts to gradually decrease due to which its charging does not even last a whole day.

There was a time when almost all of the mobile phones used to have a detachable battery. So, if in case the battery loses its effectiveness we replace it with another battery. But nowadays most of the smartphones come with a non-detachable battery. So we have to change our mobile phones if they have any kind of battery issues.

Following are given 8 mistakes that we can avoid making while charging our smartphones which can help our phone charging to last longer than usual and can increase the life span of our smartphone’s battery.

Mistake No: 01. Using your phone while it’s being charged

We are so much addicted to the mobile phones that we keep on using it every time even when it’s charging. Our usage of mobile phones, when they are connected to the charger, can put a lot of pressure on batteries. So if you have to attend a call or send a message to someone, try doing that after unplugging it from the charger.

Mistake No:02. Leaving charger attached to the socket after removing mobile from it

Keeping your mobile charger always attached to the wall socket can increase your electricity bill. Along with that, it keeps on releasing the heat which can damage your charger and can even cause a short-circuit as well.

Mistake No:03. Leaving your phone in a case while charging

When we charge our phone, its battery gets heated and if we keep our phone inside a case or a cover, its heat gets trapped in the phone resulting in damaging your phone and its battery.

Mistake No: 04. Installing battery-saving Apps

There are many free battery saving applications available in Google Play Store. You download them thinking that they will help your battery to last longer. But in reality, most of them tend to put more strain on your battery. So it is not recommended to download these types of Apps in your mobile phone.

Mistake No: 05. Allowing the battery to die fully before charging or keeping it charged till 100%

You know, when the battery is below 20%, there pops up a notification to charge your mobile. Take that notification seriously, do not allow your mobile phone to die fully before charging it. This will decrease the life span of the battery. Also, try not to charge your battery more than 80% for your daily usage. But once a month, allow your mobile phone’s battery to die fully and then recharge it to 100%. This way your mobile’s battery life will not decrease.

Mistake No: 06. Keeping Bluetooth or WiFi always turned on

When we use Bluetooth or WiFi, the battery drainage keeps on increasing, causing frequent mobile phone charging, resulting in decrease in battery life span. Try switching off the Bluetooth or WiFi when you are not using them.

Mistake No: 07. Using random off-brand chargers to charge the phone

When you charge your mobile using some random off-brand mobile charger, the battery of your phone takes longer to charge, which also decreases the life span of the battery. Try using the charger that comes with your mobile phone.

Mistake No:08. Leaving the Smartphone plugged in overnight

Although smartphones do have that ability to stop your mobile from charging further once they reach 100% charge. But, do you know, leaving the mobile plugged in overnight can cause an increase in heat production causing damage to your mobile phone battery. It can also cause a short-circuit due to the overheating of the charger.

