8 Reasons How Sitting Is Killing Your Body?

How to fix the situation and the body?

Andy D
4 min readNov 4, 2021


Photo by ollyy on Freepik

If you read this article sitting down, you will want to get up by the middle of the text. And by the end, you will want to take an essential step toward a healthier lifestyle.

In recent decades, humankind has been overstaying its welcome. For example, they write about an average of up to 13 hours in the office a day in the US. According to scientists’ calculations, the average Briton spends 14 hours and 39 minutes a day in a sitting position.

In general, about 75% of the time, we sit, and we make it worse because the periods of “sitting” are mostly quite long — more than 30 minutes, which is very, very unhealthy.

The Science of Sitting: 8 Proven Consequences

The first data that sitting for a long time is very unhealthy appeared in the 1950s. British scientists compared data on coronary artery disease in bus drivers (who sit all the time) and conductors (who are always on their feet).

The first data that sitting for a long time is very unhealthy appeared in the 1950s. British scientists compared data on coronary artery disease in bus drivers (who sit all the time) and conductors (who are always on their feet). The scientists adjusted the data for gender and age. The scientists concluded that the incidence of heart disease was lower in conductors than drivers.

Since then, science has illuminated many data on the harms of sitting, and here is a list of them.

1. Sitting for long periods leads to obesity

The scientists’ conclusion was pretty obvious. Obesity is more common among people who work sedentary.

Since most jobs have become sedentary over the past 50 years, scientists concluded:

The average American has spent 120–140 kcal less per day.

2. Increases the risk of heart attack

Scientists made an extensive study of more than 17,000 people, spanning more than 12 years.

They found that people who lead sedentary lifestyles have a 54 percent higher chance of dying of a heart attack.

3. Increases the risk of chronic diseases

A study of more than 63,000 Australians found that men who spent four hours a day in a sedentary position were more likely to suffer from chronic diseases — mainly heart disease and diabetes.

4. Life expectancy is decreasing

Scientists have studied the data on watching TV of 11 thousand people from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. They found out that people who sit in front of the TV 6 hours a day live a five-year shorter life.

And another figure from the same study: every hour spent sitting in front of the blue screen after the age of 25 shortens life expectancy by 22 minutes.

5. Risk of dying from cancer increases

According to one study, people who spend a lot of time sitting increase the risk of certain types of cancer by up to 66% compared.

Another study also found that a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of endometrial cancer by 32% and lung cancer by 21%.

6. Risk of kidney disease increases

In a 2012 study, scientists found a link between kidney disease and a sedentary lifestyle. For example, women who spend less than 3 hours a day in a passive position have as much as a 30% lower risk of chronic kidney disease.

7. Sitting harms mental health

Women who continued to be predominantly sedentary and out of work in a 2012 study reported mental health problems.

8. People with disabilities are more common among sedentary people

Researchers found that every hour of sitting is associated with a 50 percent greater chance of becoming disabled over 60.

Can the risks of sitting be reduced by engaging in physical activity?

New York experts put together scientists’ findings:

It doesn’t matter if you run every day or go to the gym regularly — it doesn’t save you from the risks of sitting for long periods. If you spend a lot of time sitting no matter where you’re taking on increased risks. These include cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, and reduced life in general.

How long can you sit?

Scientists’ expert recommendation is to spend at least 30 mins everyday standing or moving.

British Journal of Sports Medicine

In general, the experts recommend gradually reducing the proportion of sitting. They recommend at least half of the working time in a particular activity: walking or simply standing.

But you need to understand the measure and not run wild. Experts also recommend not standing for more than five hours a day. Standing for extended periods causes joint pain, swelling, poor blood circulation, and fatigue.

The Bottom Line

Friends, I’m pretty sure that if you’ve gotten to these words, you’ve become convinced of the need to switch to alternate between sitting and standing. Don’t forget this critical information, and don’t put it off until later.

Live healthier and prolong your life!

Thank you for reading.

Andy Demidov

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Andy D

I look for ways to make life better, and you get outcomes.