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8 Reasons Physical Books Are Way Better Than eBooks

They’re cheaper to buy, easier to read, and more fun to find

Sam Holstein
Published in
7 min readOct 23, 2020


If you love physical books, this article is for you.

For a long time, I was the kind of person who only read ebooks. I could always be found with my Kindle Oasis, talking about how e-readers enable people to carry their entire library around in their pockets.

Not anymore. Over the last few years, I’ve become the kind of person who hangs out in used bookstores, arms filled with piles and piles of books. And I’m beginning to think all those people who told me physical books are better had it right.

Here’s why:

1. Paper books are cheaper than e-readers and ebooks

When you read ebooks, unless you’re reading on your brightly-lit LCD device (which I don’t recommend if you’re reading regularly), you’re going to need an e-reader. Kindle readers (without advertisements) range in price from $100 to $300, so that’s a few hundred dollars right there.

Then you have to buy the ebooks, which, when you purchase from a traditional publisher, are usually only a few dollars less than the physical copy. This slight discount doesn’t offset the price of a Kindle unless you’re buying upwards of…



Sam Holstein

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