8 Reasons You Are Stuck in the Mud

The reality of why we have a hard time moving forward.

Steven-Paul Graham
6 min readAug 16, 2020


Photo by Aubrey Odom on Unsplash

It can be easy to fall into a rut where it feels as though we are not progressing. Admit it. We have all felt it. Life can be strange. Very little in life is certain. And it can be challenging to know where to turn to for answers. This makes navigating towards our destination all the more challenging.

But it is imperative not to be your own worst enemy when forging your path ahead in the journey of life. We are often to blame for blocking the blessing that life has to offer us. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly why we don’t progress at the pace we wish to, but the following are only a few reasons for our bouts of stagnation.

You Haven’t Found Your Passion

Not knowing your passion can be a debilitating impediment to making progress in your life. We all want to know where to focus our efforts and our time. We want to have something meaningful to wake up and do every single day. We want something which we can say that we truly love to do.

So when you don’t know what your passion is, it can be discouraging. Taking the first steps towards anything meaningful requires a commitment. Regardless of whether or not you are sure of what your passion is, life requires that you take steps in some direction with zeal. I suggest you start doing something now and let your passion populate your mind’s eye along the journey. Otherwise, you might be aimlessly waiting for your passion to appear for your entire life.

Without taking steps towards any direction, you will never put yourself in the position to find your passion in the first place. Make a move.

You Haven’t Mastered the Art of Time Management

You may feel at a standstill in life because you haven’t been able to manage your time wisely. To achieve the goals we see out for ourselves, we must be masters of effectively managing the twenty-four hours we have available to us each day.

This means ditching indulging in meaningless content or nights out every single weekend if you expect to experience high levels of success in any given aspect of your life. There comes a point where you have to buckle down, create a routine, and effectively spend time on the tasks which are going to push you further towards where you want to go. Not only this but, but you must be consistent with your routine.

If you fail to manage your time, even your greatest efforts towards your endeavors will seem ineffective.

You Overanalyze Far Too Much

Analysis requires that you take time to stand still and think with intentionality. However, it’s all too easy to get stuck in the trap of overanalysis. The pit of analysis paralysis is a very real one. If you never break free from this trap it’s impossible to take even the first steps necessary to get moving in the right direction.

Research and educating yourself is important, yet without action and application, you can’t expect the results you want to mysteriously materialize. You have to take action and actively chase the results you wish to achieve.

Analysis can be useful for telling you what you have to do, but it is ultimately up to you to follow through. When it comes to achieving results, taking action is everything. Thoughts are simply that. Just thoughts.

Doubt and Anxiety Rules Your Life

Anxiety is one of the greatest killers of productivity. It blocks us from realizing the things which will make us happy. It prevents us from seeing the opportunities in front of us. And ultimately halts our most productive behaviours.

If you find it hard to take action, anxiety may be holding your prisoner. But it doesn’t have to.

The best way to relieve the anxiety of the unknown is by finding a mentor to help you along the way. Find someone who has already done what you want to do and emulate them. Better yet reach out to them and pick their brains and seek advice. A mentor can help to quell your worries by helping you find the steps necessary to execute your goals.

Perhaps you fail. But how bad can that really be? Failure is one of life’s greatest teachers, and failing to act due to anxiety robs you of the lessons it may have to offer you.

You are Around the Wrong People

When you are around the wrong people, moving forward becomes hard. Are your closest group of friends a source of support or a hindrance? Are they looking to improve themselves or are they content with where they are?

This is not to say you abandon your friends, but you must make the connections that will push you towards your goals. No one reaches there goals completely on their own accord. There are helping hands along the way which guide us in the direction we need to head.

Without a solid support system, pushing past stagnation can prove to be a daunting challenge.

You Care Too Much of What Others Think

You might care too much about the words your parents, professors, and peers to make your own judgments about what it is you want from your life. Their constant input as to how you should operate could be to your detriment. While they might be hoping to help, only you can decide exactly how you choose to move through life.

You can’t wait for permission from others to do what is that you need to do. Only you can give yourself such permission. Drown out what you hear from other people and become more in touch with your own inner voice.

Exercise your power to make your own decisions shape your life the way you want it to look. Caring too much about what others say simply makes it harder to truly get in touch with what you think for yourself.

You’ve Settled into Bad Habits

Our bad habits are the ones that break us. We often dwindle away our productivity with the indulgence of silly little things or customs which impede our progress. We fall victim to poor judgment and base pleasure that ultimately take energy, which could have been used for productive activity.

Progression requires that we build the necessary discipline and mental fortitude to act in ways that benefit us long term. Our habits dictate how we move throughout life and if we fail to construct good ones we will constantly be at odds with ourselves.

You are Being a Little Lazy

Accepting that your lack of success in life is a result of your own laziness can be an extremely hard pill to swallow. But when it comes to generating results, those that exhibit some hustle are often able to get what it is they want out of life.

Are you doing everything you can to reach your desired destination? Or are you taking a lackadaisical approach to achieve your goals? Do you do everything in your power to control the outcomes of your life? Or do you leave too much to chance?

Increase your productivity in all areas of your life, and I guarantee that you will see yourself start to move forward. Create a suitable work routine and stick to it. Hold yourself accountable and follow through with the goals you set out for yourself. No one accomplished anything worth doing by being lazy.

Shape up and start taking the necessary steps to achieve your goals.

How to Break Free

When it comes to breaking free of stagnation, there is simply one answer. It’s been a recurring theme of this article. It’s to take action. The only way you are to progress towards anything meaningful is to commit to something, and do it full force.

If there is anything that you take away from this, I hope it is that there are many reasons why we are stuck at a standstill in life. But don’t let it be for any of the reasons listed above. Do your best to get out of your own way to live up to the potential you know you have.

Only by taking intentional action can you move forward in this life. Don’t let anything impede you from doing so.

