8 Richest People In Fort Worth

Do you know any of them?

Luay Rahil


Photo credit: Canva

Did you know that 64 billionaires are living in Texas?

Elon Musk is the most famous billionaire in Texas. But, unfortunately, he relocated to Austin instead of North Texas, which I believe is a huge mistake. North Texas has more neighborhoods that focus on family, better museums, larger parks, bigger restaurants, and plenty of malls.

North Texas is known for culture and commerce, and Elon Musk is missing on both. North Texas has 27 billionaires who chose to work, play, and live in one of the best metroplexes in the world.

According to Forbes Magazine, The City of Fort Worth has seven of the 27 billionaires, and no one knows them, so let me tell you who they are.

1. Robert Bass, oil and investments, $5.1 billion

The Bass family is one of the wealthiest families in Fort Worth. Robert Bass and his brothers inherited $2.8 million each from their uncle Sid Richardson, and they were able to invest in different businesses until they became the richest family in the city.

He was born and raised in Fort Worth and had three brothers Lee, Ed, and Sid, also billionaires. In 1985, he founded the Robert M Bass Group and overnight became the richest man in the city.



Luay Rahil

I write engaging content on business and leadership development.