Eckhart Tolle

8 Ridiculous Things Said by Eckhart Tolle Which Don’t Stand Up to Scrutiny

Apparently, if you’re upset, it’s all just an illusion in your mind

Edward John
Published in
6 min readOct 27, 2021


Image by Sammy-Sander from Pixabay

Eckhart Tolle has said some wise things that have helped many people. He’s also said some stupid things.

I have two of his books — The Power of Now and A New Earth — and have found them helpful. But in recent years I have found myself questioning some of the things he’s said.

“The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.”

NEVER the situation? Are you sure?

I get where he’s coming from with this, but is it always true?

For example, what if you saw your whole family get murdered by someone with a chainsaw? That would be a traumatic event. There’s no getting away from it, no matter how much you try to control your thoughts.

But even if it was all down to your thoughts, do we control our thoughts anyway? If something happens, thoughts pop into my mind about it. I don’t consciously choose the thoughts from a menu of available thoughts.



Edward John

Sometimes my inside is full of sunshine 🌞 edwardjohnwritesATgmailDOTcom