8 Simple Ways to Control Your Emotions Professionally

To avoid decisions that you may regret later

Ibrahim K


Often, we later regret how our knee-jerk reaction escalates an incident and sparks a negative response from bosses, friends, or family. A single word could sadly result in a breakup or loss of a job.

Those who can control their emotions are usually successful and have attractive personalities. They can cope with hardships rationally. They’re diplomats. They’re leaders by nature.

The primary purpose of emotional intelligence is to know how to control your emotions in tough situations. Anger should always be controlled — healthy emotions, like sadness, should be felt at any time but only displayed at the right times.

“The best time for you to hold your tongue is the time you feel you must say something or bust.” — Josh Billings

In this article, I’m going to share with you tips to help you control your emotions in tough times. They require practice, but that’s how we improve at everything.

Optimism; Positive Thinking

Focus on the positive — for some reason, our minds want to project the worst when most likely the reason something is or is…

