8 Simple Ways to Tell a Narcissist and Their New Source of Supply Are Having Problems

You’re hoping it wasn’t just you, right?

Melissa Kalt, MD


Angry couple
Tumisu on Pixabay

I so feel this question.

I remember being so angry. I didn’t want another person to be deceived, to be used, to end up hurt and betrayed like I had been. I wanted others to see the truth, to run while they could, to avoid that certain pain. I also wanted to be sure it wasn’t just me.

Eventually I realized it took me decades to see the truth — to get really clear. And it will take others weeks, months, years, decades to see the truth, too. I can’t speed it up for them. They will only learn by experience.

Until then, the narcissist’s new source of supply will think they’re in an awesome new relationship. Only you will know the truth. They started having problems the moment they met.

Here are 8 simple ways to tell there is trouble in paradise

#1 One of them is a narcissist

A relationship with a narcissist has problems from the outset. The new source of supply may just not see it clearly yet.

A narcissist is not capable of an emotionally healthy relationship.

#2 The narcissist…



Melissa Kalt, MD

Executive Consultant/Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Specialist/ Solver of Unsolvable Problems/Master Healer/ Entrepreneur/ Author/ Speaker/ Mother of 5.