8 Smart Ways To Pass an Exam Without Studying too hard.

And a bonus tip at the end.

Reginald Ben-Halliday


Photo by Philippe Bout on Unsplash

Let me say the obvious truth. Most of us don’t enjoy preparing for exams. We find it boring, stressful, frustrating, and pretty much annoying. But in other to move forward in our academy pursuits we have no choice but to take them. That’s all thanks to the man who invented exams. Henry Fischel. But in other to have a less stressful and frustrating time preparing for exams, you have to apply smart methods to do so.

Below is a list of ways to help you pass an exam without studying too hard.

1) Never wait until the last week to study.

Unless you are this cartoon network character named Dexter, studying a week before exams are going to be very stressful. If you have 12 weeks to exams, then start preparing for it immediately. When you do so, while everyone is busy pulling an all-nighter in the library, you are relaxing in the comfort of your bed, revising all you had studied since the semester started.

2) Turn your anxiety into a burning desire to succeed.

“These exams are very difficult…” “No one I know has passed these exams…” “This is my 4th time writing this exam and I don’t think I could pass it again…” Ok. Hold…

