8 Strategies To Preserve Your Life Force Energy
The Hidden Cost of Life in the Matrix
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Most of us live in the Matrix, in Western society, with a 9–5 grind.
Humans are not aware of what they pay their bills with.
It is not just money; it is our energy, it is our emotions, it is our life force energy!
The lower our vibrations are, the more our minds are kept in a state of fear and anxiety, and the more the powers in charge can feed off our energy.
The result? We look older faster, we get sick more often, and long-term we might get severely ill and die much earlier than we should.
Do you think it’s old to reach about 80? No, 80 should still be considered young-ish. I am sure that it is possible to get much older if we take care of our bodies, our emotions, and our mental state.
You don’t believe me? Here is a very healthy and good-looking lady who is already 141 years old but doesn’t look sick or mentally confused. She is fit, she is clear-minded, and let’s be honest, she is gorgeous.