8 Strategies To Preserve Your Life Force Energy

The Hidden Cost of Life in the Matrix

Alina Pitt


Brunette Lady With Magnetic Field Around Her Body, created by author with hotpot.ai
Brunette Lady With Magnetic Field Around Her Body, created by author with hotpot.ai

***Non-members can read the full story here.

Most of us live in the Matrix, in Western society, with a 9–5 grind.

Humans are not aware of what they pay their bills with.

It is not just money; it is our energy, it is our emotions, it is our life force energy!

The lower our vibrations are, the more our minds are kept in a state of fear and anxiety, and the more the powers in charge can feed off our energy.

The result? We look older faster, we get sick more often, and long-term we might get severely ill and die much earlier than we should.

Do you think it’s old to reach about 80? No, 80 should still be considered young-ish. I am sure that it is possible to get much older if we take care of our bodies, our emotions, and our mental state.

You don’t believe me? Here is a very healthy and good-looking lady who is already 141 years old but doesn’t look sick or mentally confused. She is fit, she is clear-minded, and let’s be honest, she is gorgeous.



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