8 Practical Problems to Avoid When Hiking Alone

Not a comprehensive list, but some half-baked pointers.

Alec Zaffiro


North Cheyenne Cañon Park, photo by author

1. Avoid thinking you’re weird for hiking alone.

Obviously, if you’re hiking alone, you’re kind of weird at face value.

But you’re not a total freak.

Hiking is meditative, relaxing, and energizing — going solo signifies courage, curiosity, and regard for the simple things in life.

Alone or with friends, be good to yourself on the hike.

2: Avoid being unprepared.

You shouldn’t be in the woods at all unless you intend to be there. So find some proper footwear.

I don’t care who you are, if I see you pacing through the woods alone wearing DC skaters (ones with the fat tongue), I’m gonna assume you’re a serial killer—leaving a crime to be exact.

Don’t hike unprepared, photo by author

When I moved to Colorado, I knew my Nikes weren’t gonna cut it.

One day I stumbled upon these Asolo’s (pictured) for $44 at the store in Denver. Used but like new, they’re rugged, grippy, and…



Alec Zaffiro

I write to think and organize my ideas. I like psychology, philosophy, and self-improvement—em dashes are my specialty. Not an expert.*