8 Ways to Keep Sweet Peace This Holiday Season

Because you and yours — even cousin Cliff — deserve it

Teresa Young


We all need some peace, joy, and holiday sweetness right now. Not derailed by chronic conflicts that are oh, so human. Especially when we humans get together for special occasions.

Old stuff can tank the moments we long for. What to do as insurance against the dark side? Let’s go there.

1. Begin with you.

After all, this is where you have control. You can set your heart and mind to do your part toward an enjoyable time. Even in a challenging scenario.

2. Decide on an approach that feels right. Just this time. Not for all time.

As you reflect, try to set aside knee-jerk judgments and assumptions. All the yada yadas about any particular person.

Really. And yes, all your reasons not to will rear up here like ghosts from a grave. It’s human.

But this is something we can do. We can — because our goals for enjoyment matter — work with our own new commitments to ourselves. For real.

For example, let’s say you seldom get together with your cousin Cliff. He’s that guy who always seems 1000% ready to rehash old stuff. And…

