8 Ways To Learn To Love Yourself

It’s okay to be a work in progress

Dr. Tracy Davis


Photo by Caroline Veronez on Unsplash

Learning how to love yourself can be a difficult task. Many people are taught from a young age that self-love is selfish. Sometimes we just need a little help and direction on how to love ourselves as much as we love others.

I’m on this journey right there with you!

Accept the fact that you are your own person

You can’t be anyone else, and you can’t force yourself to change who you are. But that’s actually a good thing — it means that if you want to learn to love yourself, it’s going to have to come from inside of you, not from any external source. That’s why it’s so important for us to learn how to accept ourselves as we are and appreciate our strengths and weaknesses.

Talk positively to yourself

You may not think it, but you’re your own biggest critic. You’re always telling yourself that you aren’t good enough or that you need to improve, but the truth is that you are amazing just as you are. So next time a negative thought pops into your head, tell yourself instead how great you are!

Let go of the toxic people in your life and focus on being happy with just you, for you



Dr. Tracy Davis

Doctorate in Educational Leadership Multipassionate, Energy Healing, Productivity, Travel, and Personal Development. https://linktr.ee/trayceedee