8 Ways to Master Your Monkey Mind

Cait Mack
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2024


New year, new mind? Kinda.

Markus Spiske

Your little monkey brain will bounce around all day if you let it.

It’ll tell you lies, it’ll keep you distracted and it’ll ensure your day is never yours.

Evolution hasn’t caught up to our modern days. Most of us are still at the mercy of our more primitive mindset. Or as my girlfriend calls it “my little goldfish brain”.

Let’s get you beyond that.

Be Persistent

Discipline, new mental models, new habits…these don’t form overnight. Catch yourself slipping and readjust real time.

Persistent people understand discipline is like a muscle. Keep working it and you get stronger.

Be Flexible

Look at things from multiple angles, put yourself in others’ shoes, be open to changing your mind, always think in terms of how many options you have.

Life is not black and white. It’s mostly gray areas.

Take Risks, Responsibly

Try new things, push your comfort boundaries, stop overthinking and just start doing.

You need to be smart about it, but risk-taking is part of success in life.

Seek Out Awe



Cait Mack

I simplify everything so you can focus on crushing life FREE resources: caitmackcs.gumroad.com