80% of Your Writing Success Could Rest on These 5 Golden Keys

Stop wasting time on the other 20%

Boateng Sekyere


Photo by Alex Guillaume on Unsplash

As sure as a fully-loaded vessel crawls across the Panama Canal, success crosses many a writer’s minds now and again.

I don’t know what counts as writing success to you, but I’ll take a punt. You probably want to write a book that makes strong waves online and gets tidal waves of orders crushing in. Like most writers, you’ll love to taste the nectar from your prose petals.

You want many fans to share your articles like kids would pass candy around on the school playground. You want your readers to tell you how the tips in your post lit a bright light in their minds and sparked a seismic shift in their lives.

Don’t we all secretly dream of that? At least I do. That’s the kind of success I hope to enjoy, and I know what will get me there.

How about you, dear reader? Take a moment to write down what writing success means in your book. Only you can do that, or at least you’re the best person.

Having defined success in your own words, let’s talk about some factors you can bank on to keep your boat afloat on your voyage to the banks of writing success.

A tough-as-nails mindset



Boateng Sekyere

Writer | Photographer in Accra. Grab my free guide on how to write more engaging articles here: https://bit.ly/writ-guide. Say hi at boatengwrites@outlook.com