9 dead-simple steps to build a habit (that you can actually stick to).

Pawel Halicki
Published in
3 min readMay 12, 2023
Image by Luke Jones

The person you’ve always wanted to become is just a few habits away.

“First, forget inspiration.

Habit is more dependable.

Habit will sustain you whether you’re inspired or not.

Habit will help you finish. Inspiration won’t.

Habit is persistence in practice.”

- Octavia E. Butler

Building a habit can change your life, so what can you do at the beginning to maximise your chances?

1. Prioritise for Domino Effect

Start with a habit that can impact multiple areas of your life.

  • Some kind of physical activity tends to improve mood and sleep quality
  • Any kind of time planning leads to better organisation of everything else
  • Writing tends to give more clarity in thinking about anything else

Take care of the basics first, as you won’t be able to make much progress with low energy or distracting mood swings.

2. Start Small

Break down complex habits into smaller and more actionable ones.

  • Turn “Get fit” to “30-min jog on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8 AM”.
  • Turn “Eat healthier” to “Eat green vegetables 4 times a week”.
  • Turn “Read more” into “Read 20 minutes in the morning while drinking second coffee”.

Consistency beats willpower, so start below your potential to aim for progress with habit implementation.

3. Plan for Energy Level

Identify your peak energy, and schedule your habit during times when you have the most energy and focus.

Don’t plan to read more in the morning if you feel groggy or to go for a run late if you’re on your last legs after a long week at the office.

Block time for your habit and defend it.

4. Anchor Habits

Studies demonstrated that associating the habit you are trying to build with an emotionally significant event or memory can increase your motivation.

Memories of your grandmother’s smile
learning your ancestors’ language

Incoming wedding
losing weight

5. Stack Habits

Link new habits to existing routines, like getting up, dressed, showering, making coffee, commuting or eating meals.

Make a list of all the things you typically do during the day and match your habit by frequency, time of day etc.

Nothing impacts your life more than the habits you develop.

Try these techniques to improve your chances of maintaining a habit:

6. Temptation Bundling

Maximise your chances of progress by pairing new habits with things you already enjoy doing.

Listening to your favourite podcast only when working out or drinking your favourite drink only while learning about AI.

Combining effort with reward can make wonders for our brains.

7. Maximalist Tracking

Maintain a visual calendar, and tick off each day you perform a habit.

Increase your feeling of accomplishment by making habit tracking a little more complex.

So next time, instead of a simple checkmark, extend your habit tracker with a mood indicator, star rating or satisfaction-level scoring.

8. The 2-minute Rule

Leverage the time between other activities to practice your new habit and maximise your time usage in the transition periods.

If a habit can be performed in two minutes or less, do it immediately.

Read while queuing in a supermarket or practice breathing meditation in traffic, or get a lesson on Duolingo while preparing your meal.

9. Variability

Introduce slight variations in your habit to maintain interest and keep boredom out of your routine.

  • If you are running, pick different paths or tempos on different days.
  • If reading, switch from reading at home and outdoors or in a cafe.
  • If eating healthier alternate seasonings between cuisines.

Mastering habit-building techniques can transform your life in unimaginable ways.

The journey may be tough, but the results are worth it.

Embrace the friction.

Resistance is the most powerful force in the universe. Resistance makes planes fly, muscles grow, and people become better versions of themselves.

Your time is a non-renewable asset. Use it.

The person you’ve always wanted to become is just a few habits away.



Pawel Halicki

Product sci-fi, next-stop futures, and professional growth for strategic thinkers preparing to lead in the age of AI. Designing M&A social graph at Datasite.