9 Hard Core Life Lessons From Denzel Washington

Published in
6 min readJan 20, 2022


Denzel Washington designed by the author with Canva. Original via Wikipedia Commons

Denzel Washington has been acting since he was 21. According to Wikipedia, he was born December 28, 1954, and he’s been acting since 1975. And he shows no signs of stopping anytime soon with almost 40 years behind him already.

For anyone who’s watched any of his many films, you’ll know that he’s a talented actor with an amazing dedication to the roles he takes on.

From Man on Fire to American Gangster, from Training Day to Philadelphia, Denzel has done it all and keeps going strong. Everyone loves Denzel, but no one knows what it’s like to be him. Is it all glitz and glamor? Is life always so perfect? In truth, we can’t know what it’s like to be Denzel Washington.

But we can learn from him. We can look at the lessons he has learned in his 67 years and then apply them to our own lives. Here are 9 life lessons compiled from some of his interviews.

1. Don’t eat yellow snow

In an interview with Barbara Walters in 1992, Denzel was asked what his one piece of advice would be to a young actor starting in the industry. His answer? “Don’t do drugs”. He elaborated by saying that you need to have a clear mind and be at your most alert when you’re starting in the industry.




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