9 of My Best Decisions Over the Past 10 Years

Cait Mack
Published in
3 min readDec 24, 2023


author’s family photo

I’ve tried to make good decisions every day for the last 10 years.

Mainly because 15–25 was a rough 10 years full of bad choices. And at 25 I had had enough.

But, like all things, some decisions are much better than others. And these 9 stand out as foundational pieces.

Waking up early

6–9 am every day of the week. Those 21 hours are my magic hours. I protect them at all costs.

I work full time, go to school part time and have a family with 2 kids under 12. So yes, the morning is where my side project magic happens.

These 3 hours a day are what allow me to publish 5 articles a week on Medium, 1 thread per week on Twitter and publish my Saturday Success Series newsletter every Saturday on Substack.

No Booze

I quit drinking for 16 months a few years ago. It was the best year of my life (up to that point) and yet I went to back drinking.


So, 3 years ago I quit for good.

Alcohol depressed me. It cost me entire days of my life wasted hungover. It made me skip over my good habits and indulge in my bad ones. It didn’t serve me at all and was actively hurting me.



Cait Mack

I simplify everything so you can focus on crushing life FREE resources: caitmackcs.gumroad.com