9 Signs Someone Secretly Admires You

How to know even if they don’t tell you



Germany Kent.Photo by Екатерина Шумских from Pexels

By Adetayo Toluwalope

“A person’s actions will tell you all that you need to know.” — Germany Kent, American author

While I was working as the Head of the Accounts Department at work, there was this intern, Jenny. Jenny was a great girl, but I thought she was rather too shy because anytime I tried to start a conversation with her, she just clams up.

I eventually stopped trying. Years later, at a business ssoirée, she eventually told me she admires and looks up to me. She explained that because of that she was always nervous to speak to me.

We laughed about it, but I wished I had known earlier, and maybe I would have handled the situation a little differently, and found a better way to draw her closer.

We would meet so many people who admire us for so many reasons, and even if they don’t say it, you surely want to know. So here are some signs someone secretly admires you:

They make eye contact

When you notice there is someone whose attention is always on you, then you might have a secret admirer. This will include a lot of shy eye contact, always showing up wherever…




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