9 Tips for a Tik Tok creative name

Currently, we have no doubt about the popularity of the Tik Tok application

4 min readSep 13, 2022


Photo by Olivier Bergeron on Unsplash

Almost every teenager has a Tik Tok account, and according to statistics, young people spend an average of 52 to 80 minutes on this mobile application. And if the time investment is so big, why couldn’t you even make a business out of it? There are talented individuals whose videos go viral and sponsorships are not slow to appear. But to reach that level, you must first choose a suitable name for your account. In this article, we will give you some ideas on how to make this decision.

Choose a name on Tik Tok that is related to your industry

In principle, the name of Tik Tok represents the type of content you offer, therefore it is advisable to choose a title that is related to the industry you belong to. For example, if you frequently post dance videos, then you might consider a name like @dancelover or @danceyourway. Also, if you are indecisive and don’t know where to go with your Tik Tok account, here are some top trends in terms of content: comedy videos, dances and challenges, videos where users imitate personalities, tutorials of all kinds (cooking, makeup, skincare arts and crafts, fitness, lifestyle, fashion).

Think of a Tik Tok name that is funny

Unlike other social media channels, Tik Tok offers you the opportunity to be who you want, at what moment of life you want. If you have a sober image on Facebook or LinkedIn and censor your posts, you can certainly still be “kids” on Tik Tok. So, think about what can bring a smile to your followers’ faces and find a funny username.

Here are some Tik Tok name ideas:

· 2OldForThis

· TheTroubleMakers

· name_is_in_use

· i_dont_dance

· not_my_idea


· notfunny

The username on Tik Tok must be easy to remember

You may be the type who likes to express themselves in more than one word, but when people search for content on Tik Tok, they type a single word and expect the content they want to watch to appear directly to them. Look for words or word combinations that are easy for anyone to remember. The words that come from the Latin languages ​​are the easiest for Romanians to memorize, also those that come from the English language.


· ladivaza

· he chores

· chicane

· wigofellas

· domelipa

Use your name

If you don’t have a name that spans three sheets of paper, you could also use it for Tik Tok. Often, people remember influencers’ names rather than the nicknames they give themselves online.

Help yourself with the name generator for Tik Tok

If you’re stuck for ideas and can’t come up with an original Tik Tok name, technology comes to your rescue. Sites like spinxo.com or generatormix.com help you find a combination of words that perfectly describe your content style. All you have to do is enter some data about yourself, such as your name, nickname, hobbies you have, what defines you, the maximum number of words, as well as some keywords. After completing this process, the system will generate a list of words that match your requirements.

Find your inspiration in viral hashtags

Originality is appreciated in most cases, but sometimes it doesn’t hurt to follow a viral trend that is appreciated by everyone. If your goal is to become popular and create content that is appreciated by large groups of people, then it wouldn’t hurt to do some research on TikTok hashtags.

Here are some of the most popular TikTok names:

· Dropout —such a name would attract many followers who want to enter the sphere of entrepreneurship, without studying too much.

· Happy

· HeartHacker

· Lonely boy

· Singer

· TheProphet

How about some fruit?

The subtitle is ironic, of course, but joking aside, many people choose to “baptize” their Tik Tok with names of exotic fruits and more. Everything in nature is the ideal source for a creative project, especially if your type of content is related to the area of ​​nutrition. Thus, look at some names of fruits that have become popular in the online environment:

· Cranberry

· Pineapple

· Banana

· Cherry

· Passion Fruit

· Strawberry

Choose your Tik Tok name carefully if your type of content is educational

The mobile application Tik Tok gained its popularity precisely because of its hilarious, non-serious content. If you use this platform as a means of promotion, be careful to choose a username that is not offensive and is in harmony with what you want to convey. Regardless of the nature of the courses you are promoting, the name must sound professional. Here are some examples:

· AcreGurus

· Cusp Admins

· Awesome Dynamos

· BangArmy

· Blaze Warriors

· Bridge Connect

· Business as Usual

· Cheer Up Souls

· Connect Tech

· Dream Makers

· Dynamic Business Connections

If you are more rebellious and don’t care about the mouth of the world, here are some Tik Tok name ideas:

· GodsOwnGirl

· HoneyGoldfish

· Infamous Freak

· Internet Princess

· Life Racer

· No Limits

· Omnipotent Being

· Ordinary Gentlemen

These were just some of the name ideas for Tik Tok. Certainly, creativity has no limits, and in the end, there must be a personal imprint. However, when considering Tik Tok, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, avoid words that might offend others. This category includes expressions that are racist, sexist, or have obvious sexual connotations. Also, avoid using words that could express deviant content. Otherwise, the sky is the limit!




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