9 Types Of Men Women Find Irresistible, According to Psychologists

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7 min readOct 21, 2023


Photo by drobotdean from freepik.com

Now, every woman is unique, and what may be attractive to one might not be for another.

However, certain qualities have been found to be more universally appealing than others to most women.

These are the kinds of men who, for various reasons, seem to hold a magnetic pull.

They’re the ones who stand out in a crowd, make an unforgettable impression, or possess that certain “something” that’s hard to describe but impossible to ignore.

In this article, we’ll talk about those specific types. The men who, time and time again, make women take a second glance.

It’s often not about physical appearance or material possessions. (I’m sure you know a few men who have money but cannot keep the interest of any woman for long.)

Irresistibility is more about character, personality, and the unique attributes that make you stand out as a person.

Whether you’re a woman curious about what other women find attractive or a man looking to understand what qualities to cultivate, this article is for you.

1. The High Value Man

Value isn’t just about net worth or status; it’s about character, integrity, and ethics.




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