9 Ways for Trainers to Use Flashcards When Training Adults

How to engage your adult trainees with easy-to-make flashcards

Wendy Scott


Created on Canva by the author

Okay, your trainees may already know the capital of France, but if you want them to stay awake in your training sessions, you need to engage them and keep them active.

That’s where flashcards come in. They are fantastic for getting adult trainees up and moving, and they are also quick and easy to make.

Designing training aids, like flashcards, is fun, but I’d only create them for a course or workshop that I plan to run multiple times.

So, what is a flashcard?

It’s simply a card with different information on both sides. They are easy to make, and if you laminate them, they last a long time.

But aren’t flashcards a bit, well, childish?

Not if you put thought into how you use them. The key is to know your audience and design the flashcards accordingly.

Using flashcards to test basic knowledge in courses aimed at senior leaders will likely annoy the participants. Asking a team of newbies to sort complex industry information on their first day will confuse them.

But if you are mindful of your audience and design your flashcards appropriately…



Wendy Scott

L&D professional writing practical, step-by-step leadership and training & development articles to help leaders, managers & trainers grow their careers.