9 Ways To Save Money

There’s a way out of that financial hole

Jessie Hamilton


Your bank balance is in the red, a look at your credit card statement nearly gave you a heart attack. It’s official… you’re broke. What happened? You have a job; you make some extra money here and there and you still don’t have enough. Maybe the problem isn’t what you’re earning, maybe the problem is what you’re spending.

1. Credit card

It’s all so easy isn’t it, you see something you like; you whip out your card and the article is yours. Try leaving your card at home. You not having access to it will make for saving you money. This might seem scary at first, but you’ll soon get used to it. Not only that, at the end of the month, seeing a much lower credit card bill might actually make you smile.

If you can manage it, pay more than the required minimum payment. Credit card companies charge a hefty interest rate and the more you owe, the more they charge.

2. Do I need it

During lunchtime, plenty of men and women go out and do a little window shopping or browse the racks of stores. Next time you see something you like, ask yourself… do I need it or do I want it? If you want it but don’t need it, keep walking. Tell yourself ‘You don’t it, you don’t need it.’

