90% of Solving a Problem Is Realizing There Is One

6 Obstacles That Stand in Your Way to Financial Independence

Ken Green


On day 3 of the 5 Days to Financial Certainty Challenge I’m hosting this week, we will tackle the obstacles that get in the way of your financial goals.

Most people never achieve financial freedom because of the many obstacles that get in the way of their financial journey. In most cases, they are unaware of the obstacles they face.

And this is a problem.

The first step to solving a problem is realizing there is one.

Obstacles prevent most people from achieving financial freedom. To be clear, there could be millions of obstacles. Some within our control and others outside of our control.

Here, I focus on 6 key financial obstacles that prevent most people from reaching their financial goals.

1. Taxes

“The best things in life are free, but sooner or later the government will find a way to tax them.” — Anonymous

Most Canadians will consider housing costs as their biggest expense.

Unfortunately, they are wrong!

According to a recent report from the Fraser Institute, the average Canadian family spent 43.6…



Ken Green

Ken is a Chartered Professional Accountant practicing in Canada. He provides tax, personal, and business financial services. https://linktr.ee/KenGreenca