90% Of Us Know That Having 1 Day Job Is No Longer Enough For A Living. This Is How The 10% Take Action.

Some people deserve a lot of respect.

Aldric Chen


Photo by Al Ghazali on Unsplash

I know people want to have a life they can call theirs by observation. I respect that and understand that to be a natural sentiment, especially after committing 40–45 hours at work or school.

When I say that I understand, I mean I know we have to do what we have to and not what we want to. If we are doing what we want to already, discipline would not exist. The little boy can play his video games forever, is that not true?

We have to confront the change in our immediate environments and examine whether we have to start changing the way we think. This is what I mean: -

Most of us consume news snippets like those above in a singular, independent fashion. What if we can stitch them together and form a cohesive story for our world today?



Aldric Chen

24x Top Writer (as of June 2023). Serial eavesdropper. I capture interesting & uncomfortable real-life retirement / work-life stories the way they are.