99% of Viral Medium Articles Use This Technique to Get Ahead of The Game

Yup, 99% is the secret to 99% of money-making articles

Anupam Chugh


Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Are you tired of being broke on Medium? Want to discover the sly tactics that all content creators use but won’t admit to? Get ready to ride the time machine, folks, because I’m taking you on a journey back to the dark ages to spill the beans on how to milk every second out of your readers and rake in the dough. Trust me, it works like a charm!

If you’ve ever browsed through Medium’s “for you” section, you’ve probably noticed that most of the content is tailored to your reading history. But that’s just one of the many weapons in Medium’s recommendation arsenal. They’ve got “selected for you” (which is as reliable as a broken watch) and “because you follow X.” But my all-time favorite is “based on reading history” because it’s like having your own personal AI stalker — a luxury that we never had until ChatGPT came around.

As a Medium writer, all you have to do is recycle someone else’s hit piece and cheat the system by slapping the same set of buzzwords in the headline. It’s like a pyramid scheme for plagiarizing other people’s work without giving them any credit. Which brings me to my next point — if ChatGPT is just a bubble waiting to burst, then what are we even doing here? But…



Anupam Chugh

iOS and Android Developer. Online Writer. Editor @BttrProgramming. Marketer. Wannabe Filmmaker, and a Funny Human bot!