A Call to Hope from an Independent Voter (me)

Independents could be the new progressives of the future. Here’s why

Sienna Mae Heath


I’m an undecided unicorn voter in US Election 2020. Independents could be the new progressives needed to bridge the divide.
Image by jasonwalker1956 on Pixabay

I am the undecided unicorn voter you’ve been searching for. And I am not undecided really — I am morally torn.

Being torn in half by two questionable choices is nothing new for me. My first time was post-9/11 when President Bush declared the Axis of Evil and insisted, “You’re either with us or against us.” I was a 12-year-old “other” — a white half-middle eastern kid shunned to the margins of a town of churches and pizza places. I lived in the grey nuances then, and now, I am eager to mix the blue and red parties and make America purple.

And I am not alone.

About 42 percent of Americans identify as independents, according to this recent Gallup poll. “Millions of independent thinkers — polled at almost 70 percent of the American population and labeled ‘the exhausted majority’ [in 2019] — are harboring intense feelings of political homelessness and ideological isolation,” as Bridget Phetasy explores in ‘The battle cry of the politically homeless.’

Here’s what this means for me as a voter.

My conscience cannot rest voting for Trump whose words have been deemed “the language of domestic violence” even amid the orders the current…

