A Champion’s Philosophy

Self-talk matters.

Ephraim Champion


Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

My last name is Champion. It’s about time I started acting like one.

I’ve been living in its shadow for decades. The weight of holding such a name had become too much. It was too much to live up to.

No longer. I’ve heard — and now believe — that the things we say to ourselves actually matter. It’s important to have a mantra, a philosophy to live by. Something to guide your life. I am writing mine below in hopes that you can draw inspiration from it and create your own. It is likely that if you were to ever come back to this article after some time has passed, it will be different. It is a mantra I will continuously update as I grow and live. That’s the beauty of it.

I am a Champion.

I stand up straight with my shoulders back.

I am a Champion.

I’ve made a distinction between losing and failure. Losing is not an option, but failure is inevitable and necessary, and I’ve become really good at learning from my failures.

I am a Champion, the embodiment of success, a force to be reckoned with.

I am unrelenting. I will never waiver. I will never falter. I will never buckle. Either I die trying or the door to my dreams open while I am living.



Ephraim Champion

Storyteller & experience-creator via music or words. Igniting creativity on your artistic journey w/ practical tips & inspiration. True self-care starts here.