A Collection of Haikus on Gen Z

Alexis Zarco
Published in
1 min readSep 25, 2020


These were inspired by things I’ve seen Gen Z say on TikTok.

Photo by Jakayla Toney on Unsplash

Our generation
will spark the revolution
you were afraid of.

means speaking up when no one
wants to hear your voice.

Safety should not be
determined by what you can
and cannot do, okay?

You can shadowban
but we will never stop the fight,
justice will be served.

Crooked politics
breed revolutionary
thought. It’s not our fault.

We represent what
you failed to silence, we will
go on lighting fires.

I see our colors.
Our gradients make us one.
Our bodies are one.

Big or small, bodies
serve us, carry us, live for us.
I love my body.

The media lies to us
everyday and you want
me to believe it?



Alexis Zarco

A girl with poetry in her lungs • B.A. in Literature/Writing • liberlune.com