A Complete Beginner’s Guide: Cycle Syncing Lifestyle

How to start living in harmony with your natural rhythm as a woman.

5 min readNov 7, 2023


Photo by Valentina Conde on Unsplash

A few years ago I started being more intentional with my life and how I take care of myself. Cycle syncing is the tool that brought me closer to my body and I honestly feel more at peace in my own skin than ever.

I’m not even joking when I say, my mind is absolutely blown by the information related to cycle syncing and I’m fuming about why we were not educated enough about our menstrual cycle. I mean everything is linked to our menstrual cycle, our mental health, our weight, our productivity, our fertility, the way we show up for others, and the way we perform and create.

Literally, everything.

I learned so much about my body as a woman and I completely transformed how I show up in my world in a more positive way.

The more I implemented cycle syncing in my life, the more I felt in touch with my body’s needs and rhythms.

I noticed peaks of productivity and creativity within few months of cycle syncing. I always say “I wish I knew about this in my early years”, and now I am so passionate about letting other women experience the benefits of cycle syncing.

So what is cycle syncing?

Cycle syncing is creating a lifestyle, habits, exercises and routines in sync with the four phases of your menstrual cycle.

So everything that you do can either support your hormones balance or throw you off balance.

Every phase is different and unique. Every phase needs different kind of foods, exercises, skin routines, and social schedules.

A cycle is 28 days, not just the three or five days of your period. And within the 28 days, there are four different phases or inner seasons that women go through every single month.

The four phases of your menstrual cycle

  • Menstrual phase | inner winter (day 1–5) . This is where you start bleeding and your energy is the lowest. Support your body, prioritise your self care and self love during this phase.
  • Follicular phase | inner spring (day 6–12). Your energy levels are starting to rise and you are ready to be more organised and goal oriented.
  • Ovulatory phase | inner summer (day 13–17). This is where you feel the baddest as you should. You are radiating, glowing and feeling on top of your game. It’s your time to shine. Green light for those trying to get pregnant.
  • Luteal phase | inner autumn (day 18–28). Your energy levels are dropping, your body is getting ready for your next bleed. Stick to your daily tasks, eat more healthy carbs and avoid launching new projects.

Now, every woman is different these are standard and approximately put together numbers. I recommend tracking your period to decide how long your body bleeds then starting from there.

Please consult a doctor or a professional health practitioner if you bleed less than three days and more than seven days.

Download my favourite app to track your cycle and get information for each phase simultaneously here. I can never recommend this app enough it is so informative and helpful.

Learn more about each phase and how to slowly integrate them in your life, with my cycle syncing bundle for beginners with a 6 months printable planner to support you on your journey.

Benefits of cycle syncing

In the long run, cycle syncing truly brings so many benefits to your life including;

  • Balanced hormones and less mood swings.
  • Organised and happier lifestyle.
  • Increased productivity.
  • Fertility support.
  • Healthy weight loss.
  • Less brain fog and feeling lost.
  • Feeling more empowered.
  • Increased self confidence.
  • Enhanced and more balanced lifestyle.

How to start cycle syncing today

1 Make your intention.

Cycle syncing is all about intentions! You are intentionally choosing to support your body during each phase. So make your intention, write it down, why do you want to start with cycle syncing? Are you taking this step to heal and balance your hormones? Or are you doing this to be more productive and attending to your body’s needs? Whatever is your intention, make sure to write it down. This will help you remember why you started and will fuel you to keep on going.

2 Know your phases.

Start educating yourself about your own body. Study every phase, because your body goes through it wether you know it or not. So you might as well just know your phases and understand your body better. Get access my cycle syncing masterclass with everything you need to know now.

3 Plan it out.

There are so many tools to get started with cycle syncing. Write down what you need, plan it out. You can use my printable cycle syncing planner to plan every phase with information to guide you into a balanced schedule during your cycle.

4 Practice patience.

Cycle syncing is a journey, ever changing, and ever evolving. Be patient with your body and how you feel. Validate every feeling each phase brings to you. Sometimes you’ll feel on top of the world, and sometimes you’ll feel low on energy, depressed and sad for no reason. And all of these feelings and jumps of hormones are valid. You are learning to embrace and love yourself on a deeper level, so be gentle, be patient and be kind to yourself.

5 Embrace the change.

Embrace the change as it elevates your lifestyle. By you honouring your body, supporting your body and embracing yourself you are elevating in every way. Your life might not look the same, but your wellness will elevate, and the way you carry yourself will be elevated and lifted to a more loving and positive way.


Cycle syncing is a lifestyle and could bring a lot of healing to your body. Investing in tools to start cycle syncing or even educating yourself on the different phases your body go through every cycle, will result in elevating your lifestyle in every way.

