A Complete Study Guide For Beginner Bloggers

Meghan Madness
Published in
6 min readJul 5, 2020


A break down of all the Do’s and Do not’s to become a successful blogger

Photo by Mark Duffel on Unsplash

Read very carefully.

This article is for bloggers who want to further their skills and obtain and maintain a successful, profitable blog.

If you are looking for a quick buck or overnight fame, then this article is for you. And I’ll tell you why.

Not because I am going to teach you how to cut corners and take the (non-existent) short path to riches; I am going to show you that to get to the big leagues, you have to work your butt off, to get to where the big boys play.

Creating content you can proudly submit to significant publications, maintaining high standards for your pieces, gaining profit, and recognition for your work is a learned process, not a spontaneous happening.

I started blogging with two things in mind; I wanted to tell my story and get paid for it. Yet, I didn’t want to do the tedious grunt work. However, I realized, if I wanted to advance – I have too.

I went from submitting to small publications, to submitting pieces too, Slackjaw, The Startup, P.S. I Love you, and more. All from the advice, I am about to give.

I made 4 cents the first month, and I was proud, as well I should have been. In the second…



Meghan Madness

I Write about controversial subjects. Typically Religious.