A Concerned UK Citizen or A Coward?

You decide.

Karen Madej


Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

Am I breaking a Non-Disclosure Agreement by writing this? If I am, I say extraordinary times require extraordinary measures.

Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. We saw a need that needed to be filled, and we stepped in to help.~Benet Wilson

I’m no hero. There are many thousands of frontline workers who are the real heroes of this pandemic.

It’s at times like these that many amazing frontline workers put the health of their patients before theirs. They are the real heroes because they have no choice.

UK doctors and nurses are working with little or no protection because their government has been letting them and the rest of the country down for a decade.

Would you blame these heroes for refusing to work and wanting to protect themselves and their families by staying at home? We know the party and the minister who instigated the discontinuance of buying and storing…

