Everybody Hurts

A Confession to Make



Photo by Benjamin Wedemeyer on Unsplash

Disclaimer: This one might not be very relevant to you, this is more of a personal blog, not selling anything but me having a heart-to-heart conversation with you. I want to put it on the record that I am not using this story to assuage my guilt rather I am digging deep into it.

It’s been quite some time since I have written anything as I was keeping busy with my academic commitments. I am very emotionally vested in anything that I write as all of it is very personal.

Like everyone here I have so much to say, so many topics that I want to address, talk and start a conversation about. I’m writing this story at Starbucks sipping my cappuccino laced with a lot of emotions.

I still don’t know what title I’m going to give this story. I am just gonna go with the flow.

Just like the 24 hours of a day are a blend of light and darkness, not all of this has to make sense, not everything is in the black or the white, the right or the wrong, yin and yang; the lines are more blurred than we imagine and it is in the grey areas where the real game comes to play, but you already know that.

It was a dark evening with no sign of light and I was walking with a friend of mine aimlessly on the road not taken, talking sensible nonsense, laughing as we ran into a classmate of…




A student of law delving into the world of art, literature, philosophy, and life while on a self-imposed exile to the isolated palace of solitude.