A Coward is…

Ezra Godson
Published in
1 min readJul 3, 2020

A Poem to remind us not to fear.

Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

A coward is…

Of cowardice

His fright and flight,

Sustains his life.

His words of worry…

A fools delight.


A mind of ire.

Round eyes agape,

a nervous twitch,

his voice escapes,

a manly pitch.

Flung here and there,

His stories hide,

The missing tale,

Of his own spine.

She bickers bold,

Her fuss is rushed,

She’s shouting loud “they’re surrounding us!”

Lend not a moment to despair,

A coward’s fear is everywhere.



Ezra Godson

I'm a poet and author living abroad. I pen Quantum Drama, a personalized rhythmic style I developed using cadences and beats. I hope you enjoy quantum writing.