A Culture Colonized

Reclaiming its identity



Photo by Tobi Oshinnaike on Unsplash

I hear your cries,
Your calls for change,
The whole world does,
They’re not in vain.

How far I am
From my true homeland,
Vast oceans separate me from
My mothers kin,
Yet how close I feel
To their rebellious hearts.

It’s been far too long,
That injustice has been normalized.
Existing unquestioned,
Like it was supposed to be there.

Tell me,
Ooh motherland,
Were you always this way?
Was it your culture to be corrupt?

Politicians and multi-national cartels,
Drilling deep, sucking you dry,
For some black gold,
To siphon away.

How about the indigenes of your sacred lands,
The ones whose fields have been left to rot,
By all the fracking, industry demands.
Notwithstanding the waste it leaves behind,
The black poison that ruins your farms.




I write to understand myself and the world around me || Trying to be as human as I can be