A Date by the Ocean

The beginning of a beautiful story

Parag Ingale
3 min readNov 11, 2023


Photo by Anastasia Sklyar on Unsplash

Sunset looked stunning from Queens’s Necklace. Golden waves washed off the coast. The ocean was lit with the glittery tinge of the sun. My heart was lit with the warmth of her company. There was chaos all around, but my soul was at peace. She was pacifying me. Her tiny eyes smiled with mischief. She held my hand tightly, warning the world that I was hers. After years of solitude, once again, I was indulging myself in something I thought would never happen to me. Love!

It was a simple yet romantic date. It was not our first one, and I knew it certainly wouldn’t be our last. As the sun set, a cold yet bustling night started to creep in. Dusk is beautiful at Queen’s Necklace, but the night is just breath-taking. It looks like a real necklace illuminated by thousands of diamonds embedded in it. I had my diamond with me, illuminating my cold heart.

She is an artist’s representation of love. A serene painting, a sublime picture of passion! I am an amateur lover, while she is the Aphrodite.

On that starry night, the air was filled enchantment, and the ocean was symphonic. As we walked hand in hand, I could feel her smooth skin. I could feel her warmth. I was drowning in the sweet smell of her perfume. I was ecstatic! She was playful and mischievous. She was blabbering about whatever was on her mind. But my mind couldn’t listen to her because my heart was captivated by her beauty. I was spellbound, so I capitulated.

The chilly winter night urged us to have a glass of whisky because that was the only way to warm ourselves up. Although we don’t drink much, we managed to get along with a few of whisky shots. A little whisky wouldn’t have hurt anything, after all, we were already high on each other. Sipping it one sip at a time, we laughed irrationally and stared at one another. It was like we were drinking all our sorrows.

It was the kind of date I didn’t know I always longed for. I realised then how pleasing it is to be with someone who can make you feel loved. Someone who can have a glass of pure intoxication and get high on happiness with you. Someone who can cherish every moment with you.

Drunk and trippy, we came out of the restaurant after having our boozy affair. We sat at the Queen’s Necklace once again, bathed in moonlight, gazing at the dark ocean for a long, long time. Our intoxication started to fade after a while. Once we became sober, we decided to take leave of each other, as it was already very late. We didn’t want to, but we had to. As we bid goodbye to each other, she kissed me on the cheek and left hurriedly to avoid any eye contact, as that would have made us stay.

Such was my date, a passionate affair. We have both sailed the ship. We don’t know whether we will find the coast. But this is what life is all about: taking chances. It is always better to be loved and lost. Amen!

