A Daughter’s Cry

Unice Bondoc
Published in
1 min readMar 21, 2020


I wrote this poem dedicated to my Father when he passed away last November 2010.

(Me and my Dad — Year 1996)

Who would have thought
In one blink caught
Darkness would befall
In an unexpected call

Death is real
But don’t reveal
For I could burst
To an obscure curse

I longed for you
I yearned for you

You said you’ll come back
My heart was struck
When you arrived
Your eyes were closed
And never will it be exposed

Every night tears can’t bear
Believing it was a nightmare
Time was rude
Fate was cruel

I do wonder
How I’ll live without a father

Gazing upon the stars
Staring at the ocean
My friends with their fathers
Envy batters

Oh how blissful I would be
If them, I were to be

An optimist mind
Reasons are kind
God has written
The fate begotten



Unice Bondoc

I believe that there is something in store for me in this wonderful yet chaotic world; then ought to understand the meaning of life with people.