A Day Full of Surprises

Fun Times With Friends

Denis Sab
3 min readApr 2, 2024


Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Today was truly an unforgettable day. From April 1 I expected some pranks and jokes, but what I experienced far exceeded my expectations, that’s what happens when you have married friends. Here’s how things played out.

I woke up enjoyed my coffee and left for work without any notable incident. But of course, things changed once I got to the office.

Good morning Denis. Did you hear about last night’s shocking incident? my colleague Mike asked me.

No, what happened? I answered curiously.

Someone broke into the building and stole the computers from our office. Police are currently investigating.

I was speechless in shock to learn this. I was already thinking about all the documents and work projects I had stored on my computer.

But immediately Mike began to laugh heartily. Haha, I fooled you. It’s April 1st, my friend. There was no robbery.

I sighed in relief but then realized that I had been the victim of a well-planned prank. Mike had completely blown me away.

But things did not stop there. Throughout the day I continued to be the target of funny pranks like finding the dish sponge in my drawer or receiving an important email from the CEO that turned out to be just a funny cat video.

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

But the biggest trick came around noon when I got a call from my wife saying she was in the hospital and about to give birth. I obviously went into a complete panic and left the office in a hurry, only to discover that it had been another prank by my friends.

After such a busy day I was pretty tired and ready to go home. But when I arrived I came face to face with the biggest surprise, my apartment was decorated from end to end with balloons and other festive items. Our friends had arranged a surprise party for me.

Then I realized that all those pranks the other day had been a start for this celebration. Although I had initially been fooled countless times it was all a big conspiracy designed to get me down by the end of April 1st. We all laughed together and appreciated the resourceful spirit of my friends.

So yes today was full of pranks and childish jokes. It was an unforgettable day a reminder not to take life too seriously and to enjoy these fun moments with my dear family and friends. Thank you!

Photo by Wilhelm Gunkel on Unsplash

