A Day in the Life of an Erotica Writer

You Know We Think About More than Sex Right?

Autumn Seave


When I tell people that I meet in dating apps that I’m a writer they want to know what I write. I’m not ashamed of it and and I figure I will have to tell them eventually, so I tell them I’m an erotica writer.

Well, you’d think that I told them that I was a sex worker and invited them into my bedroom and my most private thoughts! Most of the men I tell that I write erotica immediately want two things: 1) They want to read something that I’ve written (most of them would never bother to read though because they just want the sexy bits and won’t bother with an actual story with characters and a plot and a story). 2) They want to know if the stories are based on my real life experiences.

I hate to disappoint people, but I don’t spend the majority of my day thinking about sex. I don’t even spend the majority of my day writing about sex. Ok, I write about it more than other writers likely do. But there’s so much more to being a writer than writing.

Here’s what my day looks like (and the actual times may vary by an hour, give or take):

8 AM — 9 AM: Get up. Shower, brush teeth, get dressed, make the bed. Put on coffee. Take vitamins and supplements (multi-vitamin, B-6/B12 combo, omega-3, MCT oil, and…

