A Day of Summer Walk in a China South City — Xiamen

A walking tour of a beautiful island city in China

Amy Li


Xiamen is a port city on China’s southeast coast, one of the most beautiful cities surrounded by ocean. In this article, I walk you through the walk inside Xiamen Island.

I have visited the beach in other countries, but it has yet to happen in China. So I was excited to see the ocean and beach in this beautiful place.

Below is the map and route I followed while walking on Xiamen Island.

Left: Xiamen City, China, shown in Google Maps; Right: My walk route in 2 and half hours in Xiamen Island. Screenshots by Amy Li

Midday: A school of fish jumps out of the water to gasp for fresh air

This is the first scene I captured after leaving my hotel in Xiamen.

I was curious why they are a crowd of photographers there, so I came close.

Photo by Amy Li

They were not shooting the water, but the fish that jumped out to gasp for fresh air. A group of seabirds were waiting by the side for the fish to jump out of the water to catch the air.

I heard from the people that such a scene only happened when the gate was open at noon. The fish were not…



Amy Li

Software Developer | Ph.D. in Medicine. I write about programming, productivity, personal development, and entrepreneurship. https://www.youtube.com/@amyjuanli