A Dialogue with the Stars

Journeying through the abyss

Angelina Der Arakelian


Photo by Chen Liu on Unsplash

I skim past realities observed, signs

Dreams — pieces

Of my will slowly decaying into ashes

Forming clashes — now

The signals of destiny — responsibility

Wrap wishes made to be potentially possible

Glimmers showcasing our addiction to habitude

Ordeals of the mundane, catastrophes of solitude

Their brightness blinds me, almost haunts me

Swallowing me whole

I wonder, when was the last time I ignored everything’s call?

The last time — I can’t remember, only

Batches of thoughts moulding a tumor that grows

Incessantly grabbing weeds of emptiness

Consumed until they rot

Into shadows of what seemed like entirety giving birth to nothingness

At least that’s what the stars try to translate, as they marvel at me in endless rows.

Angelina Der Arakelian



Angelina Der Arakelian

An author who chases sunsets and tries to make sense of a place we call the Universe. Say hi at angelinaderarakelian@gmail.com 💫