A Dream Told Me to Start Writing

The moment a strange hobby gave me insight

Michael Stokes


Photo by David Marcu on Unsplash

I have some shamelessly esoteric interests.

It all started when I was a teenager with an internet connection. I ventured into a few obscure rabbit holes of the online world. Forums and channels dedicated to strange phenomena. Conspiracy theories, Telekinesis, Astral Travel, and much more.

The sort of things good sci-fi is made of.

Nowadays, the only strangely mysterious branch of study I undertake is exploring what I dream about when I am asleep. I am considered a bit of a whack job for this area of interest however there are moments when it has given extraordinary insight.

After three years of documenting my dreams, here is one that has profoundly impacted my life, nudging me in the direction of becoming a writer.

The Dream

Dreams are always a clusterf*ck of confusion. So I am only going to share the important details.

I was the host of a party that was happening at my house. Diverse guests from all areas of my life were there having a booze-up. Amongst all the craziness I suddenly realized that I was in a dream.

I don’t know if you have experienced this but it can happen at times. Where your logical mind…



Michael Stokes

Helping you live your best life through self development, philosophy and entrepreneurship