A Dying Boy Tells Us How To Live

The Philosophy To A Happy Life

Awab Hussain
3 min readDec 17, 2020


Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

Sampson Gordon (Sam)Berns was a young American activist suffering from progeria which is a rare medical disease that causes a person to age rapidly. He lived a short life of 18 years but his philosophy to a rather short life was something that is beautiful enough to remember him by.

His three simple rules to live a happy life are so strong if embodied by practice that even a person suffering from such a horrible disease as him, always claimed to have lived a beautiful life.

Rule no.1: Accept ‘what you CANNOT do’ and focus on ‘what you CAN do’.

Photo by Logan Fisher on Unsplash

Always identify the CANNOTS and CANS of your life. It might seem pessimistic at first glance. But you have to understand that if you want to lead a life of happiness, you have to accept some facts no matter how bitter they are so that you can focus your energy on the things that you can achieve. Wasting your time on the things that are beyond your reach, is like throwing away your innate potential for doing what you were born to do.

Try all the things that you aspire to do. Weigh out the risks, the sacrifices, and the energy that is to be put in. If it seems worth the struggle__ go for it; give your everything. But if the odds are horribly stacked against you, have the courage to accept and move on.

Rue no. 2: Surround yourself with people who you want to be around.

Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

As a social animal, there is a significant influence of our environment on our emotions. Our surroundings, more importantly, the people around us, are a major factor that shapes our feelings.

If we spend most of our time with the people we love, the people who understand and value us, there is little room for negativity and loneliness to settle in. We acquire a positive aura with all that positive energy that surrounds us. So, make sure to spend most of your time with the people who really matter.

Rule no. 3: Always move forward

Photo by Fabio Comparelli on Unsplash

Around here…we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things. (Walt Disney)

A very crucial principle to stay happy is that one should always be on the move. Always have something to look forward to. Whether it's as small as waiting for the new episode of your favorite tv show or as big as getting a Pulitzer for your book.

This doesn’t mean to ignore and overlook the tragedies of life. Instead, accept and acknowledge them as a part of life and have the strength to move on. Keep your eyes open and let your mind explore the ever-expanding horizon.

So in short, to lead a happy life remember to

  1. Accept the “cannots” and focus on the “cans”.
  2. Surround yourself with people important to you
  3. Keep moving forward.

It's surprising that knowing that your days are numbered, gives you a better perspective on life. Death adds value to the breaths that keep our souls warm. Sam Berns died in 2014 but his principles to achieve happiness can extend our lives. Thank you Sam.

Here is the link to his TED talk

Source: Youtube

