A Fairytale Meeting

A poem

Amna Fiaz
1 min readSep 2, 2020


Photo by Lukasz Szmigiel on Unsplash

Will you hear of a tale unknown
it happened way back
in a land far and forlorn
a girl was walking
in a forest alone
came across her path
a narrow creek
she tried to cross it
but fell right in
her dress soaked and wet
she climbed out of the water
only to come face to face
with a fair stranger
she lost her breathe the second time
that day
for the devilish features of the man
stole her breathe away
he must be a devil
no other mortal can look so good
she thought to her self while she stood
he offered her his hand
with a mischievous grin
his touch was so electric
it was pure sin
“oh how did you fall in that creek
fair lady”
“I lost my balance; my feet were shaky”
his eyes were understanding
and his hand so sympathetic
still holding her
she was ecstatic
“The dusk is upon us,
and if you don’t mind
I would like to accompany you
to your home this time”
So hand in hand they walked
rest of the path
to her home and
then eventually into her heart

@Amna Fiaz



Amna Fiaz

An enthusiast writing about life, emotions and expressions that wants to be able to talk and be heard.