Britni Pepper
Published in
Apr 3, 2021


A few whacks with my ice-axe and I’m onto the ridge. The landscape opens out: mountains, glaciers, valleys down to the dusty plains of India on the far horizon.

Above, the ridgeline flattens, then rises to the summit.

We’re on the way to the top of the world.

ILLUMINATION is a year old. It’s been a heady ascent, as a writer and editor. Some stories earned thousands of dollars or attracted dozens of responses. I love it here.

A team expedition, with writers from around the world. Editors too. Bouncing story ideas off each other, solving problems together, every week a new challenge. Dew Langrial nailed the feeling recently:

We welcome more aboard. Every eager, smiling face gives us new zeal and energy. Onwards, upwards to glory!




Britni Pepper

Whimsical explorer: Britni maps the wide world and human heart with a twinkle in her eye, daring you to find magic in the everyday.