A Foolish Person Isn't Worthy Of A Response:

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6 min readJul 16, 2023


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The Fool addresses me with every ugliness, So I hate to be one who replies to him. He increases in stupidity and I increase in meekness, Like an incense stick to which burning adds scent".(Imam Al-Shafi’i).

Foolishness manifests itself in religious and worldly affairs; as For the First, this is indicated by the verses (which signify):

"And our Fool spoke of Allah From excessive transgression". (Quran 27: 4)

"And it has already come down to you in the Book that when you hear the verses of Allah, they are denied and ridiculed; so do not sit with them until they enter into another conversation. Indeed, you would then be like them".

Madness, in one of its many connotations, is the opposite of abstention. It refers to the impetuousness of a person: his temperament and his indiscretion, even for insignificant questions, as well as a thirst for quick revenge, punishment and insults. There is no doubt that weakness of mind is the cause.

"When you encounter those who gossip about Our revelations, turn away From them, until they engage in another topic. But should Satan make you Forget, do not sit after the recollection with the wicked people".(6:68).

Seeking Knowledge With The Intention Of Refuting The Specious…




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