A Functional Medicine View of the Vaccine, the Virus & You

As shared by Mark Hyman, M.D.

Michele Thill


Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels

As a board certified health and wellness coach with an additional certification as a functional medicine health coach — I am all about wellness.

And not just about living longer, but living healthier. As there is a difference.

As a mentor of mine, Dr. Mark Hyman states…

~ It’s about adding years to your life AND life to your years ~

I have been an advocate helping to spread that message so we can make the best out of our time — in the time that we have here on Earth.

This past year has been full of uncertainty due to Covid 19 and how it has been handled on so many levels. And I feel as we approach the one year mark of lockdown, as least here in Illinois, I see more and more feeling some relief.

People restless after almost a year. Some nasty winter weather that we haven’t seen in awhile. And now this past week, a lot of sun and warmer temps with feelings of spring around the corner. And things slowly continuing to open back up.

And of course, the vaccines. Though many have to wait — relief is in sight.

Or is it?



Michele Thill

Through self-awareness, I help women tap into their inner power. Let’s make the 2nd half of your life the best half! https://www.facebook.com/NewlandWellness/